National Excitmente
Physical data-visualisation
featured in Infographics: Designing & Visualizing Data
by Wang Shaoqiang of Design office Foreign Policy
Realized within the Data Visualization Workshop
by Peter Crnokrak in colaboration with Marco Rizzo.
Data provided by the world values survey database.
As a series of translating objects national excitement tries to visualize a world wide survey about the attitude of different cultures towards risk-taking.
To express values and emotions through numbers and graphs seemed to be a little insincerely objective and not really feasible. Therefore we alienate the German tradition of lead-pouring (Bleigießen) to physically generate forms that would translate the survey's results, while still giving the spectator room for own interpretations.
The statement to be translated
More than 50 nations had been ask to respond to the following statement:
"Adventure and taking risks are important / to have an exciting life."
Design process
Pewter is poured into water. Depending on the pewter's pouring temperature the form becomes more extreme or calm visualizing the attitude of a countries’ population towards the statement.
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