The declaration of Universal Human Rights,
From Human – to Human
Installation/performance on the lived implementation of the Universal Human Rights

The public intervention took part in different places within the (bilingual) city of Bolzano in South Tyrol, Italy.
The work was commissioned by and designed in collaboration with the Public Office for Permanent Education of the City of Bolzano.

The intervention's main goal was to make people engage with each other so that they would declare each other the Universal Rights through a passport for which they had to portrait the other (unknown) person, sign, and stamp the document like during an ‘official’ declaration.
Thereby we wanted to make people more aware of the already existing Universal Rights declared in 1948.
Furthermore we targeted the individuals as responsible actors to question the current situation and conditions regarding the implementation of human rights. (e.g. within the refugee discourse and the connected issue of equality)
In addition the commissioning public servants had to change their usual roles they embody while working for the city-office. They no longer acted in a mode of 'state employee ↔ citizen' but became rather moderators/agents that try to make single individuals engage with each other on the streets. ('citizen ↔ citizen')
Besides that, people could invent and dream about new universal rights that they would like to see implemented and write them down on a huge black board – the "mirror of critique and hopes".
↓ Booklet for the human to human declaration of Universal Human Rights

↓ The intervention’s title motif

↓ The intervention’s central venue: The stand for the personal declaration of Universal Human Rights

↓ Billingual handout: A3 print with all 30 articles of UNO’s Declaration of Universal Human Rights from 1948